Regatta Spares

Paddlers looking to spare and teams looking for spares.

Teams looking for spares will be provided with contact name/info of individuals looking to spare to see if they are a fit for their needs.
Paddlers looking to spare will be provided team name and contact info that their names have been provided to. 

If you are a Steer wanting to spare, sign up on the Paddlers sign up sheet and put the word STEER behind either your first or last name on the form. 

If you are a Captain needing a Steer, please sign up on the Captains sign up sheet and for Item Details put Steer

Contact Irene at [email protected]

Paddlers looking to Spare

Captains/Teams looking for Paddlers or Steers

Inlet Spring Regatta

Burnwater Spring Sprints

FGPC Sprints, Victoria

False Creek Knockouts

Vessi 500

Okanagan Super Sprints, Penticton

Seattle Regatta, Lake Union Park

Salmon Arm Dragon Boat Festival

Comox Regatta

Concord Pacific

Nanaimo Dragon Boat Festival

Harrison Regatta

Kamloops Regatta

Victoria Regatta

Steveston Regatta

Montreal, Quebec

Vancouver Island Regatta, Victoria

Penticton Regatta

Osoyoos Flag Race

Oddball Fall Classic