Regatta Spares
Paddlers looking to spare and teams looking for spares.
Teams looking for spares will be provided with contact name/info of individuals looking to spare to see if they are a fit for their needs.
Paddlers looking to spare will be provided team name and contact info that their names have been provided to.
If you are a Steer wanting to spare, sign up on the Paddlers sign up sheet and put the word STEER behind either your first or last name on the form.
If you are a Captain needing a Steer, please sign up on the Captains sign up sheet and for Item Details put Steer
Contact Irene at [email protected]
Paddlers looking to Spare
Captains/Teams looking for Paddlers or Steers
Inlet Spring Regatta
I can spare for Inlet Springs Regatta
Sign up below...
Available Spots |
#1: Aldine C. |
19 remaining: Sign up » |